well.well..well.. after talked about Yoon Shi Yoon, right now since watched Cheongdamdong Alice, i got my attention to Park Shi Hoo... Well... i never expected that he is older than my Aniki (older Brother)... man... he looks pretty young at least in his last drama. I had watched many of his previous dramas but this is the first time i interested on him.
since i was be stupefied by Jung Il Woo coz his smile in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (i've already talked about it) and a cheerful Yoon Shi Yoon in Flower Boy next Door, Now... nan choa neunde --난 좋아는데 ( i like) Park Shi Hoo who was super Weird in Cheongdamdong Alice. Why weird?
no good impression i could take from his role as Seung Jo except "his Wealth" ... he even looks so pathetic, in 10 years he always thought that he was gain a success coz of his effort, the reality said the opposite though... without his notice... his father always watching on him, help him... poor Seung Jo.. he mocked his father coz of his success works, he felt so relieved by then but ... time woke him up.
As usual... always about Love... Korean Drama is always about Love...
after dumped by his first Love... Seung Jo became so despair.. he left all his wealth, running away from the reality, struggling alone with all the rest he has. Yah just like a prince suddenly became a pauper. But as i had mention above, his father bought his painting 30.000 Euro. Just imagine how much is it? with that money he can live safely in France.
yeah alright, cannot be denied what he became after that is totally due to of his effort, he became an Artemis President certainly coz of his ability and intelligent. He is cool actually in spite of his odd head dance if he happy. Besides him, i prefer his buddy --Dong Wook--the doctor, hehe... someone that always worrying him, he is more like Seung Jo brother than just a chin (friend).
The best part of the scene is when SeungJo inadvertent drank a benzene, so funny when he tried to make everyone not spoil his disguise as Secretary Kim. He overreact when every single person that knew him as a Jean Thierry Cha came up, forgot his dizzy after drank the benzene he tried to avoid them reveal his identity to Se Kyung. I laugh so hard in this part...

source click here
- Real name: 박평호 / Park Pyung Ho
- Profession: Actor
- Birthdate: 1978-Apr-03
- Height: 182cm
- Weight: 70kg
- Star sign: Aries
- Blood type: B
- Family: Father (fashion/CF model), mother, younger brother/baseball player Park Wu Ho
- Talent agency: EYAGI Entertainment
I know that he is not young, but... 35 year-old? oh..well.. he looks younger than what on my mind, hehe..
calling him ahjussi? is it right? let me count, hehe... but in my age calling Oppa i think is not proper either, hehe (what i'm talking about anyway)...
Choisonghaeyo (I'm sorry) for my English... i'm in learning process... practice makes perfect isn't, hehe... hope you understand what i have written above guys... :)
Annyong Chin!!... Have a Great time!!
au revoir...
suka park si hoo pertama kali di princee prosecutor,,,keren banget perannya,,,,,he
BalasHapusdi cheondamdong alice yiq baru tonton sampai ep 6,,,
memang oppa satu ini selalu nyocok berperan sebagai org kaya yang berkelas,,,klkkkkkkkkkk
sy tertarik nton drama tu tp g suka ceweknya....hehe tp yg buat sy suka bukan krn dia keren tp krena dy super aneh d cheongdamdong ini, tau kan biasanya om ini selalu jd org cool gt... hanya sj d drama ini dy punya kepribadian yg lebih manusiawi, hahahaha apa2an komen sy
Hapusya,,di princess prosecutor cool sangat,,,tapi di sini gila orangnya. tidak pernah terbayangkan dia bisa acting seperti itu,,wkwkwkwkwkwkwk,,,
Hapusemang aktor yg total, dia bisa peranin perannya dgn total ampe sy lupa dy pernah jd kakaknya Iljimae, hehe...
Hapusbeda beuud perannya, kkkk
di drama ini dy antara keren dan aneh, tapi lebih byak aneh dan gilanya, haha
yang paling lucu juga saat diberi hadiah gelang sam han se kyung,,,perdebatan antara sekretaris moon dan dia tentang pemberian itu,,kkkkkkkkk
BalasHapusoh... suka bagian itu yah? hehe...