Mungkin 2 tahun telah berlalu, tapi ingatan tentangnya tak pernah pudar. Aku terkadang merindukannya, tak jarang mengingatnya, ingatan tentangnya tergambar dengan jelas seolah-olah ada layar besar yang memainkan detik-detik aku bersamanya. Ada sedikit penyesalan kenapa aku tidak bisa bermanja-manja setiap bersamanya, walaupun di dalam lubuk hatiku yang paling dalam aku sangat ingin melakukannya. Berbagai macam pikiran berkecamuk di kepalaku setiap kali aku bertemu dengannya. Walaupun aku sudah bersamanya lama sekali, tetapi aku pun tidak bersama-nya dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Aku bukanlah tipe orang yang bisa meluapkan perasaan yang sesungguhnya kepada orang lain, bahkan kepada orang yang sangat aku sayang, orang yang setiap ku ingat selalu membuatku tak sadar meneteskan air mata.
Aku tidak pernah menyangka, jauh-jauh hari sebelum dia meninggalkanku, aku merasakan sesuatu yang mungkin tidak akan pernah bisa aku gambarkan. Ada perasaan takut dalam hati ini, aku akan ditinggalkan oleh salah satu orang yang sangat aku sayang. Aku di tahun itu memanjatkan doa yang sama setiap hari, semoga Allah melapangkan dadaku, mengikhlaskan hatiku jikalau aku akan ditinggalkan, walaupun aku sama sekali tidak pernah menyangka aku akan ditinggalkan secepat itu.
Alhamdulillah... hari yang tak akan pernah kulupakan itu terjadi di bulan yang penuh berkah. Segala kesedihan, sedikit dapat terobati membayangkan dia berada di tempat yang insyaallah baik, beliau pun pergi dengan baik, insyaallah.
Aku mencoba mnguatkan diriku, menahan diri untuk tidak menangis berlebihan, sedih... pasti... tapi yang paling penting untukku adalah dia mendapatkan tempat terbaik di sana.
Lama sekali... sampai akhirnya dia hadir dalam mimpiku. Aku senang sekali... aku begitu menantikan mimpi ini, setiap aku mendengar cerita orang-orang yang memimpikannya aku begitu iri. Aku sampai berfikir, apakah aku tidak akan pernah memimpikannya? padahal aku selalu memikirkannya, tapi... mungkin saat itu dia belum siap untuk menemuiku.
Alhamdulillah, dia terlihat begitu tampan, dia tersenyum, senyum yang sangat kurindukan, senyum yang sangat kurindukan, mukanya terlihat begitu bersih, aku tenang, aku bangun dengan hati tenang.
Sayang.... ingatanku tentangnya yang tersisa hanya ingatanku semasa kecil. Aku bahkan begitu terkejut ketika melihat begitu banyak perubahan yang terjadi padanya, aku bahkan tidak sadar dia sudah begitu kurus, giginya sudah ompong, tapi dia tidak berubah, senyumnya, suaranya, tidak pernah berubah...sampai sekarang, masih terdengar jelas di telinga, suaranya yang kerap kali memanggil namaku.
Tidak ada yang meragukan betapa dia sangat menyayangiku, semua orang tau pasti bagaimana dia sangat menyayangiku, aku tahu pasti bagaimana dia sangat menyayangiku.
Ternyata.... mengingatnya sekarang lebih menyakitkan, aku kira akan terbiasa, tetapi semakin lama semakin aku mengingat betapa sedikit memori yang bisa aku kenang, aku sedih aku tidak bisa mewujudkan keinginannya... memberikannya "gaji pertamaku" aku bahkan belum bekerja saat dia meninggalkanku.
Tahun dan bulan kepergiannya bertepatan dengan hari terakhir simoncelli di sirkuit, aku begitu berduka mendengar kepergian simoncelli tapi aku tidak menyangka ada berita yang lebih besar menantikanku di rumah.
Tidak ada yang berani memberitahukan kepergiannya padaku. Aku masih dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah saat Malaikat menjemputnya, bahkan ketika aku sampai di rumah, tidak ada yang memperlihatkan wajah berduka, semua tampak normal, sangat normal. Sampai aku menyadari ada suatu yang janggal, kenapa begitu banyak orang? ada apa?? ada pesta kah? lalu ketika aku masuk ke dalam rumah, pikiranku kosong, tirai besar menyambutku... siapa di balik tirai ini? aku mulai khawatir, siapa di balik tirai ini? ketika kusibakkan tirai itu, aku langsung tertunduk dan satu hal yang langsung terlintas di pikiranku... ya Allah maafkanlah beliau, berilah tempat yang layak untuknya, kuatkanlah hamba, ikhlaskanlah hamba... sungguh dia milik-Mu maka ke pada-Mu lah dia kembali...
A person by my name and being existed With a strong spirit and an eternal mindset To become a peacemaker for all By sharing the things that really matter "About Things That Matter" Mattie JT.Stepanek
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014
What an ordinary story...
"Laura?! Where r u?"
"Well.. I'm still in the office, why?"
"Why? how could u ask me why I call u?"
"Ok.. Tom, I'm sorry but I think I will stay up all night here, there are still a lot of things to be done, I haven't finished yet."
"Wait... r u alone? or..."
"I'm alone... why?"
"Hmm... " Tom paused, silent for a moment."Oh, nothing... never mind, but I think u should go home, you want me to pick u up?"
"I told u I still have many things to do... and everything must be done today."
"But.. u can do it at home... why u must force urself doing it alone there."
"What happen to u, oh c'mon I really tired I will hang up this phone if u asked me to get home again."
"Ok... Fine... should I accompany u?"
"If u wish, well at least I need someone to talk to anyway... oh yeah please buy me food."
"Alright, take care... I'll be there ASAP. bye.."
"Ok... bye.."
Laura giggling, she feels so relieved, even though Tom was annoying sometimes, but he always there for her in the right time. Yeah, the right time...
Without her knowing, someone has been watching her all day-- Robert-her co-worker who truly admires her.

"You can't sleep?" Laura begins to eat the pizza alone.
"Of course, how can I have a good sleep when you're outside."
"Oh dear, you are so lovely kid, mom and dad must be proud of you."
"Stop talking, just eating, how could you speaking while eating, very not u."
"Oh really, wow... am I that adorable for ye?"
"Give me a break, I just don't like seeing u like other girls."
"Other girl? have a crush on someone?...tell me who is she...c'mon."
Robert who doesn't know what those two are talking about, feeling disturb and jealousy... he always watching Laura and this is the first time he sees Laura smiling and talking so happy with a man. Who's that man?? He never saw him before, never...
"Giorgina... I met her in Liverpool, in Harry's wedding, but I never see her again after that."
"Why?... you don't exchange number?"
"Nope... hmm I don't think about that, and I think she has a guy."
"Ouch.. Sounds not good, hmm but well ... here is London, there are still a lot of cute girls around here."
"Yeah... just finish your eating, you don't forget your work, don't you?"
"Ouh Yeah... right.."
Since Tom beside her, Laura feels her strength come back. Tom sometimes corrected her typing, so helpful for her to keep concentrate. Meanwhile, Robert feels more uneasy and more uneasy... Laura and that man are too close, they must be a not just friend, it seems like they are lovers... no... no... Laura doesn't have a Bf, He knows that He had looked for any information about Laura, But... but... is that already all the information? did he miss something?!Aarrrghhh!! What the heck!! Who Is That MAN!!!
"You know that I just have 3 days at home but you aren't home, it's really boring."
"Sorry... but I really can't avoid this, I promise this is the last time I stay up all night outside a home."
"I think ur currently job spent much of ur time, why you must working here, I have a better job for ya.."
"I know I will work for ya, but I really enjoy what I'm doing right now.."
"Just don't force urself, you don't want ur face wrinkled faster, don't you?"
Laura doesn't really pay attention to what Tom's said, her eyes keep on the computer screen, trying to keep focus, but it looks like Laura can't hold herself to reply Tom.
"What r u talking about, stop teasing me... don't u realize how cute I am?"
"Tom? why r u silent? I am asking u..."
"Yeah, of course, you are very adorable." reply slow deep voice.
"Oh yeah Thank u, finally u admit it, haha...hmm why ur voice change?"
"My voice never change..."
"Oh yeah... of course...Oh no...!!! argh!!... I did it again... huff I think I need more water, could u take water for me please..."
"Thanks... oh yeah Tom, how do u think about this, is this make sense?"
"Hey.. c'mon... I'm waiting... why u take so long think about this simple thing..."
"Why u always call his name!! is he that special for u!!?"
Laura startled, she stops her typing but she afraid to turn her back. "Who r u? Where's Tom?"
"TOM...TOM...TOM... !!!! I hate to hear that name!! ..." He takes a deep breath and exhales it loudly,"I've stabbed ur guy, dunno he is still alive or not?"
Hearing that makes Laura get up on her chair and screw up her courage to face that strange voice. Her eyes wide open seeing who has that terrifying voice. Robert?! the wimpy?
"Su--ur--ppri-prise!!" Suddenly Robert nervous, looking at Laura's eyes so closely.
Laura stares at Robert without blinking, in dim light, she can see Robert's hand that holding something, but it's not clear what it is.
"B-brother? who--who is ur b-brother?"
"Tom... Tom is my said you stabbed him, where-is-he--now!" Laura's voice trembling.
"T--t--twin?!! hahaha... ur t-twin? r u kidding me!! how come he could be ur twin?? is he??"
"Yes, He is, He is my lovely twin, why? Why you did it to me!! how could u! what I've done to u? Where is he!! tell me!!"
Robert stands up still, bite his lips--anxious.
Robert stands up still, bite his lips--anxious.
"Laura? Why r you shouting?" Laura turns her head, someone standing behind her, but it's too dark, she can't see him clearly.
That man approaches her until light from her desk reach him. Laura blinking her eyes rapidly, then rub her eyes, then slap her cheek," Ow..."
"Hey... what r u doing, what happen to u? why u hurt urself?" Tom immediately grab Laura's hand to stop her strange action.
Laura staring at Tom deeply and then she hug her brother tightly and soon she burst into tears."Please don't leave me!! hu hu hu..."
Tom who doesn't understand and really confuse let her sister crying until her feeling gets better.
"Are u ok? you will make me freezing in this cold night if you're not stop crying in my t-shirt."
"Hush... is your fault if you're freezing, how could ur big body so weak."
"Oh, c'mon even the superhero will freeze if their costume is wet in the cold weather."
Laura keep smiling, it makes Tom frown. "alright... so what happen to u earlier?"

"I went to the bathroom, it takes a long time to find it when all the lights off."
"You r not scared? u know that ... the bathroom is where the spooky things usually exist."
"I'm not scared of all that things, I am more scared hearing you shouting like a crazy granny."
"What!! ahh!! feeling it..feeling it... you naughty kiddo!!!! Laura hit Tom repeatedly while laughing.
"Aw.. aw.. Laura!! hey!! stop it... hey granny!!"
"What !! how dare u still call me that!!.. I think I have to shut up your mouth!! hahaha!!"
"Hey!! stop it... what the heck!! hey!! you are a woman, hey!! where u get that smell!! mine not that bad?!"
"Really? how come ur armpit has better smell than mine?"
"Wanna try?"
"Oh No!! What is this!! OH no!! no!! I need a fresh air!! HELP!!!"
"Oh No!! What is this!! OH no!! no!! I need a fresh air!! HELP!!!"

Inside the deep darkness standing Robert watching that sibling, he smiles and feels so relieved that Tom is just Laura's twin. But He's afraid his stupid lied back then will make Laura doesn't want to talk to him anymore, however, he wish that Laura didn't remember that stupid thing. It was really stupid, the jealousy made him said a scary thing. Stabbed?? the wimpy kid like Robert even can't kill cockroaches. Well yeah... maybe Robert has to be more patience, it really needs the courage to ask her out. Robert holding two movies tickets and squeezed it tightly...

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